Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I submit the homework and lab notebooks I have completed?
A: If you have not already done so, you must first complete steps A & B below. If you have completed Steps A & B already, follow steps C-E to submit your completed notebook.
A. Create InclusionBridge College Advantage folder in your google drive
- Click on the (+) and select new folder
- Name folder : CA23 - name of school - your first initial + last name(Example: CA23-IB-gchristie)
B. Share folder with the Data Chief: with edits permission
C. Make sure you have run all cells in your notebook in order, so that all images/graphs appear in the output.
D. Download notebook as a .ipynb file retaining the file name <lab#/homework#>. E.g., HW01.ipynb
E. Then upload notebook to your folder. In your folder in your drive, click on (+) > file upload > select file from computer